Everyone Deserves Real Luxury

APDB (Authentic Premium Designer Brands) started as an authentication and online designer store in 2013. The founder initially offered her own preloved designer bags along with authentication services for other sellers and individuals who would want to buy designer online safely, while she was also blogging on how to identify counterfeit designer items.  With the premium and wide array of choices, it became very popular to Class B and C buyers because of its competitive pricing and free authentication services. It aimed to always offer the lowest price in the market.

In 2014, because of the high demand, I chose to get my goods in Japan, as the supply in the Philippines cannot meet the demand, as the market widens, extending not only here in Asia but as far as Middle East, Europe, and the United States. The preloved industry in Japan was booming at the time and they were offering bags ranging from Rank A to C. Rank C bags were very cheap but a little refurbishing was needed to be able to sell the items online as the bags were no longer presentable and didn’t look good in photos. I decided to take advantage of the Rank C Category bags’ low price but was prompted to look for restoration services from other providers as the bags were not presentable enough to display on our page. As time went by, the third party whom we hired to take care of our restoration can no longer accommodate the preloved bags coming in from Japan. It was this time that I decided to start our own restoration for our own bags.

We started restoring our own items in the beginning but as the buyers became aware, they too wanted to have their bags restored, those that were not bought from the shop. Bags on the page that are Rank B to C were offered at lower prices provided that they will have them restored with the company. Other sellers bought in bulk as the company offered package deals, including restoration within the deal. With this step, we became the number one shop for private individuals and sellers alike, as we maintained our goal of providing competitive pricing.

In 2017, as more and more people became aware of the restoration side of the business, many clients requested the company’s restoration services even those whose bags were bought from the main designer stores. Hundreds of bags came in and we hired more craftsmen. During this time, as the company was building its name, and little by little was establishing its place in the market, individuals also came in to have their bags consigned as our shop became famous for being able to sell items fast. This is when we decided to include consignment in our services. Designer items came in fast, as people wanted to have their bags posted on the Company’s page, knowing that their bags will sell fast and can also be authenticated accurately. As for our restoration team, the team that started with 2 people, one being the workforce manager and my husband Almond Cabral, grew to 20 people in just 1 year. All these were done in our home where we built a work area in the backyard and a display area in our living room.

In January 2019, the first APDB physical shop opened along Bacoor Boulevard because of popular demand. More clients came in as once again, the company strengthens its credibility by having a physical shop where the clients can hang out, talk about their bags, and ask questions face to face with me.

It was another milestone for the company when we opened a store in Metro Manila where the bulk share of the market come from. It was on April 14, 2019, and the volume of the bags doubled. It was then that the clients started asking about franchising. The company developed a system and became more focused on standards by then. The organizational structure became rigid and a set of protocols were developed.

In July, once again, we ventured out and chose to open a store in the Visayas. APDB Cebu opened in a small office near Ayala. By this time, a lot of people are already showing interest in franchising. The company wasn’t ready by then and chose to wait a bit longer. In September, we started to offer franchising on our page. The first franchise opened in CDO on October 18, 2019, and APDB Molino was bought as a franchise the following month and was turned over on January 8, 2020. With these, 5 franchisees quickly followed in Rizal, Bulacan, Pampanga, Timog and Paranaque. At present, APDB has 2 company-owned branches (in Cavite and Malate) and 5 franchises.

The company aims to have 30 shops all over the Philippines, targeting the busiest cities with the highest population densities.

JHValdez-Cabral (Founder and CEO)

Our Key People

Josephine Helene Cabral-Valdez


Almond Jensen Cabral

Head of Restoration